Challenge 2012! I Dare You! 11+1 Miniatures in 11 Months

I’m a person who needs a lot of motivation to do something.  Leave it up to me, without prodding, and I’ll procrastinate.  However, set a deadline, and I’m a workaholic tearing through whatever you give me.  With that caveat, I’m a dreadfully slow painter.  Not that it takes me forever to paint something, it just takes me forever to JUST PAINT!  Besides some 15mm men, I haven’t painted since September!

Logo borrowed from Pandemic Labs

With that intro out of the way, I’m looking for a challenge- albeit a simple one, and I’m challenging the rest of you to do so as well.  The challenge will be to pick 11+1 miniatures (since January is one day away from being gone) to paint for 2012.  One miniature a month.  Any company, any line, any range, any size.  This miniature must be for you- No commissions, no gifts, no paint exchanges, nothing but for you to hold, keep, cherish, andto  call ‘George.’  But when do I paint my +1 miniature?  Any month you get ahead in, paint that extra miniature.  Track it on your blog, post on facebook, whatever.  But call it the 2012 11+1 challenge in your posts, tweets, hashtags, etc, and I’ll do the same. So, here’s to you, 2012 11+1 challenge!

Once your list is posted, you can’t alter it.  If you lose your mini, you better go buy or trade for another one.  If the cat licks it and dies of lead poisoning and you throw it away, you better go dig in that trash bin or follow the garbage truck to get it back.

I’ll post up my 11+1 miniatures in the next few days and give you time to come up with your own list.  Kudos and bonus Internet points if you have a theme to your list.

15 thoughts on “Challenge 2012! I Dare You! 11+1 Miniatures in 11 Months

    • Lol,although, for my challenge, that would be perfectly acceptable! Maybe you’d have to make it the 22+2 challenge at 15mm.

      Thanks for joining up. I look forward to your challenge list!

    • Post them here or somewhere else that I can easily find. I might make a page just for the 2012 11+1 Challenge. If I do, then I’ll just want to be able to find them.

      • Ok then. Got abit carried away with my first list and thought the half painted models abit unfair. Not really in the spirit of the challenge.
        So here is the revised and final list -

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